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Dotcom Marketing in India
Source: Businessworld, March 20, 2000. Evolution of PortalsIn the early days of the Net revolution, there was a rush to get online. Most companies established their presence through corporate websites. Companies used the Net as a new low-cost channel, with unlimited reach. Corporate websites used the Net primarily to extend their reach and attract customers to their products. Customers had more information and more choices than ever before. As websites grew in number, it became difficult for customers to search for sites of their choice. Search engines thus emerged and became key players directing millions of surfers to various sites.
This led to the emergence of vortals or "vertical" industry portals and "segment" portals. Vertical portals were sites devoted to a single industry or function: for example insurance content sites, personal financial services sites and sites that attracted consumers to buy health or auto insurance. In each case, the revenue model was primarily based on advertising, with some transaction revenue from online sales (Refer Exhibit I for different business models). Segment portals were subsites of the horizontal portals; an example was Yahoo! Finance, a finance site of Yahoo!. Such portals offered focused searching capabilities to Internet users interested only in a single range of products. |
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