Henry Ford - A Great Innovator
Model T – An Astounding Success Contd...In the first three years, production of cars went up from 19,000 in 1910 to 34,500 in 1911 and to 78,440 in 1912. Ford believed in building a lot of cars and making them affordable. He sacrificed profit margins to boost sales. Profit per car dropped from $220 in 1909 to $99 in 1914 while sales catapulted to 248,000 cars per year in 1913. The increased sales due to slashed prices pushed Ford's profits up from $3 million in 1909 to $25 million in 1914. The price of Model T, fixed at $850 in 1908, was gradually reduced over the years (Refer Table I). From a market share of just 9.4% in 1908, Model T grabbed a market share of 48% in the US by 1914.
An essay on the moral, physical and aesthetic impact of the Model T Ford on the American people. Two generations of Americans knew more things about the Ford batteries, than about the human embryo. More things about the planetary system of the gears than about the sun system of planets. Most children of the period were conceived in a Model T and quite a number of them were born in a Model T."
23] From the book Giants of Enterprise, by Richard S. Tedlow, HarperBusiness, 2001, page 141. |
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