Henry Ford - A Great Innovator
Assembly-Line – A 'Paradigm Shift' in Automobile Manufacturing Contd...The assembly line included two strips of metal plates – under the wheels of each side of the car – that extended through the length of the factory. Ford was able to reduce inventory to a great extent, resulting in significant savings for the company. The number of workmen required for assembling an automobile also fell. In January 1914, Ford designed an 'endless chain-driven' conveyor to move the chassis more quickly from one workstation to another. In April 1914, a 'man-high' line – with all the parts and belts at waist level – was introduced.
Model T – An Astounding SuccessThe first Model T finally rolled out in October 1908. It was affectionately called 'Tin Lizzie,' slang for an obedient and reliable servant. The Model T was priced at $850 and was simple, light, flexible, powerful, and easy to drive. The car was targeted primarily at farmers and had higher than normal ground clearance. In the very first year, Ford set new industry records by manufacturing nearly 10,660 Model Ts. In the second year, 18,257 more Model Ts were produced. With a significant increase in the demand for Model Ts, Ford decided to set up a new factory. The facility at Highland Park was inaugurated in 1910.
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