Faculty Development Programs
National Level Case Study Workshop organized by Hyderabad Management Association (HMA) and St. Joseph’s College
Ms. Indu Perepu and Mr. Jitesh Nair, Research Faculty at the Case Research Center, IBS Hyderabad were part of the faculty instructor team for the National Level Case Study Workshop organized by Hyderabad Management Association (HMA) and St. Joseph’s College between November 21-25, 2022 for the faculty of degree colleges across India. The objectives of the workshop were to enable faculty - To understand the nuances of case Teaching; To understand the constituents of a case study; To Learn how to write a Case Study; and To understand the steps in Case Methods – Pre Session, During the Session and Post Session. Ms. Indu Perepu and Mr. Jitesh Nair conducted sessions on day 1 around the topic Case Methods as an alternate pedagogy and Writing a Case Study/Preparing for a Case class.
Case Study Writing was conducted at the SBI Staff College
A one day workshop on Case Study Writing was conducted at the SBI Staff College, Begumpet Hyderabad on November 07, 2022 for over 30 members of their Faculty team. The workshop was taken by Mr. Jitesh Nair and Ms. Indu Perepu, Research Faculty at the Case Research Center, IBS Hyderabad. The workshop included sessions on Introduction to Case Writing; Components of a Case Study; Case Development Process; and Practical tips and insights into Identifying Scenarios & Building the Case Structure.
1st International Conference on Case Development (ICCD)
Ms Indu Perepu, Mr Manish Agarwal, and Mr. Jitesh Nair were resource persons for the 1st International Conference on Case Development (ICCD) from 18th-21st July 2022 (Online Mode) conducted by the Case Research Center, The ICFAI University Tripura, India. The team helped the participants to gain an understanding on the nuances of case writing through sessions on - Getting started with case study writing; Characteristics of a good case; Components of a case study; Steps involved in case writing; Understanding the process of case writing; and Identifying learning objectives and a relevant topic for a case. The four day workshop was conducted in collaboration with MARK ON (The Marketing Club) -IUT, Faculty of Management & Commerce - IUT, ICFAI Business School Case Research Centre, Hyderabad, ICFAI Business School – Bangalore, Association of Management Development Institutions in South Asia (AMDISA), Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Ltd. (TTDCL) & The Case Centre, (United Kingdom).
