Crisis Management: Dealing with a Product Crisis
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Please note:
This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Case Details: |
Price: |
Case Code |
: |
MKTG182 |
For delivery in electronic format: Rs. 200; For delivery through courier (within India): Rs. 200 + Shipping & Handling Charges extraThemes
Marketing Management/ Crisis Management/ Public
Relations |
Case Length |
: |
11 Pages |
Period |
: |
2006-2007 |
Pub Date |
: |
2008 |
Teaching Note |
: |
Not Available |
Organization |
: |
Corporation; Bausch & Lomb; Mattel Inc. |
Industry |
: |
Telecom; Eye
Care; Toys |
Countries |
: |
Europe, USA,
Asia |
This is a collection of three caselets discussing the product
crises faced by Nokia, Baush & Lomb (B&L) and Mattel, and how these companies
responded in the respective crisis situation. In 2007, some concerns regarding
the safety of Nokia's BL-5C batteries arose.
Though the company was quick to issue a product advisory, the situation flared
up in India due to what some critics said was a 'communication gap' on Nokia's
part. In the case of B&L the company did not seem to have recovered from a
product crisis related to its brand ReNu with MoistureLoc. The brand was linked
to a fungal infection of the eye and was later withdrawn from the market.
While some analysts felt that B&L's handling of the crisis
situation left a lot to be desired others felt that the situation faced by B&L
was trickier than what pharmaceutical company, Johnson & Johnson, faced during
the infamous Tylenol crisis in 1982. In the case of Mattel, the company had to
win back the trust of its customers after the massive recall of toys in 2007 due
to safety-related issues. Here too, the industry watchers are divided over
whether the leading toy maker was able to handle the crisis situation in an
effective manner.
» Understand the issues and challenges faced by companies in managing a product
» Understand the importance of clear and effective communication with customers
in the event of a controversy/crisis
» Understand short term and long term implication for a well known brand if the
crisis is not managed properly
Crisis management, Product crisis, Product advisory,
Corporate citizenship, Communication strategy, Public relations, Publicity ,
Nokia, Mattel, Bausch & Lomb, ReNu with MoistureLoc, BL-5C batteries, Lens Care
market, Product liability lawsuit, Tylenol, Johnson & Johnson, Consumer
Caselet 1: Nokia's Bl-5c Battery Fiasco
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