Brand Naming: Kraft Foods' "iSnack 2.0"' Controversy in Australia
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Excerpts Contd...Is Crowd Sourcing a Good Idea for Brand Naming?Many advertising experts applauded Kraft's strategy of crowd sourcing the name to create awareness about the new product. According to them, the success of the branding exercise was evident in the instant buzz it created about the product, in both offline and online media... Branding Strategy Gone Wrong or a Clever Marketing Ploy?Industry experts and critics remained divided in their opinion on the success of the branding exercise. While some suggested that it was a poor marketing decision that caused considerable brand damage, others believed in the conspiracy theory - that it was a cleverly planned publicity gimmick which generated unprecedented brand awareness for a new product...
Renaming to CheesybiteEven after the iSnack debacle, Kraft was not discouraged from employing crowd sourcing strategy and it decided to go in for another round of the naming contest. But in its second attempt, it redesigned the contest process to involve consumers' preference in the final name selection... Looking AheadExperts opined that the Cheesybite name would create legal problems for Kraft in future. They pointed out that Pizza Hut had already registered the Cheesy Bite trademark for one of its pizzas in March 2006... Exhibits
Exhibit I: Timeline of Kraft Foods
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