Brand Naming: Kraft Foods' "iSnack 2.0"' Controversy in Australia
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ExcerptsBackground NoteVegemite was invented in 1922 by Cyril P. Callister (Callister). He was the chief chemist of Fred Walker & Co., an Australian food company established by Fred Walker (Walker) in 1903. By using a chemical method called autolysis, Callister prepared Vegemite from the yeast extract available from breweries as a by-product of the beer manufacturing process... Change in Consumer Preference?Vegemite was a rage among Australians who had it almost daily, mainly as bread spread. To understand the consumer's perceptions of the brand, Kraft conducted an online research analysis with the help of social media... So, How Would You Like to Have Your Vegemite?
The BacklashJust after the launch of the iSnack2.0 on September 26, 2009, Kraft was hit by a wave of criticism against the new brand name. Industry observers opined that customers had rejected the name outright as was evident from the negative comments that poured in on Twitter and other social networking sites as well as blogs overnight... Kraft's Swift Withdrawal Sets Tongues WaggingFaced with public wrath, Kraft's board members decided at an emergency meeting called on September 28, 2009, that the name 'iSnack2.0' should be immediately dropped. Within four days of the launch of the new name, Kraft announced that it would give iSnack 2.0 a new name...
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