The Lovelife Brand (B): Evolving the Campaign's Communication Strategy
for HIV Prevention in South African Youth
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Case Details:
Case Code : MKTG159
Case Length : 37 Pages
Period : 2003 - 2006
Pub Date : 2007
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Not Applicable
Industry : Not Applicable
Countries : South Africa
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Strategy for HIV Prevention in South African Youth case study
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Background Note
loveLife was a HIV prevention program, launched
in September 1999, with the stated aim of reducing the number of
youths getting infected by HIV by 50 percent within five years. It
was initially funded by US-based Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF).
The program also received funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation, the Nelson Mandela Foundation, the South African
government and Global Fund, as well as a number of corporations...
Evolution of Lovelife's Communication Stragegy
In the initial years, loveLife concentrated on building awareness through teaser
campaigns with messages such as "Sex: use your mouth. (Talk about it)" (1999),
"Score/Red Card" (2000), etc. In 2001, it showed campaigns with encrypted
messages as a part of the His&Hers campaign. Once that objective of building
brand awareness was achieved, it started displaying messages to initiate a
change in behavior in the target audience. In 2002, loveLife strove to sustain
the awareness and engage the target audience to bring about a behavior change by
promoting three specific behaviors - 'Delay initiation to sexual activity',
'Reduce the number of sexual partners', and 'Protect with condom usage'...
An Integrated Marketing Approach
loveLife established an integrated marketing communication strategy to
facilitate the behavior change in the target audience. (Refer to Figure I
for a schematic diagram of loveLife's integrated marketing strategy). The
outdoor media campaign was supported with a print and broadcast program...
In late 2004, loveLife went through a restructuring process in an effort to
increase the penetration of loveLife by decentralizing into regional teams
rather than trying to control a number of vertical programs from a
centralized location...
Impact of the Program
As of 2006, loveLife was one of the 15 best-known brands in South
Africa. loveLife said that it was instrumental in making a positive
change in the HIV scenario among South African youth. loveLife's
effectiveness was measured through a national surveillance study
conducted every three years determining HIV infection rates among South
Africans under 20 years of age. This would also be combined with a
survey at 33 locations termed as "sentinel sites" to track the behavior
trends and HIV prevalence among the target audience... |
Excerpts Contd...>>