The loveLife Brand (A): Initiating a Behavior Change in South African
Youth to Prevent HIV
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Case Details:
Case Code : MKTG157
Case Length : 27 Pages
Period : 1999 - 2003
Organization : Not Applicable
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : South Africa
Industry : Not Applicable
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African Youth to Prevent HIV case study
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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loveLife's Strategy
loveLife positioned itself as a lifestyle brand with which young people could
associate "healthy positive living". It aimed to become a part of popular youth
culture and gel with its target audience. The challenge before loveLife was to
change the deeply entrenched values and attitudes prevalent among adolescents
regarding gender relations, sex, and sexuality...
The Media Campaign
To sustain the interest and awareness generated through its outdoor media
campaign, loveLife started a print and broadcast program to inform adolescents
about a number of relevant issues. It adopted an 'edutainment' approach, where
educational or awareness content was placed in entertaining formats and messages
during the programs. loveLife made generous use of sports, talk shows on radio,
panel discussions on television, road shows, and print media such as booklets
and newspaper supplements, and a website (Refer to Figure II for loveLife's
media campaign structure).
Outdoor media was the mainstay of loveLife's media strategy and also the most
The messages of loveLife were highly visible in billboards, taxis and water
tanks. In the initial years, loveLife concentrated on building awareness
through teaser campaigns. Once that objective was achieved with reasonably
good brand recognition of the loveLife brand, it started displaying messages
to initiate a change in behavior in the target audience...
Community Outreach
Most of loveLife's outreach activities were initiated in early 2001. The
objective was to engage directly with local communities, spread the
campaign's messages, and ensure that the target audience internalized
these messages. The initiatives worked on two levels - national and
regional/local. At the national level, people could call the loveLife
call centers for information, help, and advice, while they could
approach Y-centres and NAFCI clinics for information and advice at the
regional or local level (Refer to Figure III for loveLife's community
outreach flowchart, and Exhibit VIII for some outreach initiatives of
loveLife)... |
An Innovative Marketing Program
loveLife's marketing program was widely appreciated by many experts and
prominent personalities. On September 28, 2002, loveLife was hailed as a model
for HIV prevention among youth, by former president of South Africa Nelson
Mandela, and former president of the US, Bill Clinton...
Excerpts Contd...>>