The loveLife Brand (A): Initiating a Behavior Change in South African
Youth to Prevent HIV
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Case Details:
Case Code : MKTG157
Case Length : 27 Pages
Period : 1999 - 2003
Organization : Not Applicable
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available Countries : South Africa
Industry : Not Applicable
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African Youth to Prevent HIV case study
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Excerpts Contd...
The Criticism
The loveLife campaign had also generated a lot of criticism and controversy.
Many experts dismissed loveLife's advertising campaign as ineffective. They
opined that the campaign was a waste of money that could have been better
utilized to provide medication to those afflicted by the virus. loveLife spent
approximately R13 million per year on billboards alone, while other AIDS NGOs
hardly got R200,000 as their annual budget.
Critics also felt that loveLife's ads were unintelligible. They felt that the
use of expensive glossy brochures and inserts in newspapers such as Sunday
Times, hardly served any purpose as South Africa was a country that had acute
poverty and high illiteracy rates...
Lovelife's Response
loveLife defended its mass-media campaign by saying that such messages were
required in order to achieve its objective. "The evidence is overwhelming
that sexual health education that focuses only on the risks, or advocating
abstinence as the only option are entirely counter-productive... It is
natural that teenagers will experiment with sex, the challenge is to ensure
they understand their choices and the risks in the context of broader
lifestyle opportunities," said Harrison...
Experts felt that loveLife achieved significant brand recognition throughout
South Africa. They believed that the campaigns were attention grabbing, but
that there was also a need for simple and clear messages for the target
audience. loveLife, on its part, felt that it had created a foundation from
which it could bring about a change in sexual behavior of South African
youth. However, some experts said that for this to happen, the program had
to be sustained over a long period of time...
Exhibit I: loveLife Logo
Exhibit II: loveLife's Billboard Ads in 2001
Exhibit III: loveLife's Outdoor Ads in 2002
Exhibit IV: Some of loveLife's Messages in the Outdoor Media: 2003
Exhibit V: Messages Displayed on Taxis in 2002
Exhibit VI: loveLife's Youth Magazines
Exhibit VII: Screenshot of the loveLife Website
Exhibit VIII: Some Outreach Initiatives of loveLife
Exhibit IX: loveLife's Model for Behavior Change
Exhibit X: Key Findings of a National Survey of South African Teenagers |