Ispat-Sidbec : Entering North America


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Business Strategy Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Business Strategy, Case Studies

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Exhibit 3

Ispat International Financial Highlights, 1992-97


Exhibit 4

Sidbec’s Facilities

Exhibit 5

Twenty Years from Indonesia to Ireland


Ispat builds PT Ispat Indo, an EAF-based wire-rod mill.


Leases Iscott mill from government of Trinidad and Tobago.


Purchases DRI/EAF and slab-casting operation of Sicarsta from Mexican government; renames facility Ispat Mexicana (Imexsa).

Dec. 1992-April 1993

Attempts to purchase shuttered bar, rod, and wire division of Bethlehem Steel. Breaks off attempt after failure to reach new labor contract with USWA.

Jul. 94

Purchases Sidbec-Dosco from Quebec government.

Dec. 94

Purchases Iscott.

Jan. 95

Agrees to purchase Hamburger Stahlwerke in Germany from Hamburg city government. Forms Ispat Hamburger Stahlwerke to manage the facility under lease until sale is finalized.

Sep. 95

Ispat Intl. moves headquarters from Indonesia to London.

Sep. 95

Takes over management of government-owned Irish Steel.

Dec. 95

Establishes Ispat America.

Dec. 95

Purchases Karmet steel complex from government of Kazakhstan.

May 96

Completes purchase of Irish Steel from Irish government after EU approves state aid.


Starts up new DRI module at Imexsa.

Exhibit 6

Ispat’s Financials


