Genetically Modified Crops in India: The Bt Brinjal Controversy
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Introduction Contd..
India, as a party to the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD)7 and as a country which ratified the Cartagena Protocol (CP)8, is committed to the safe handling of living or genetically modified organisms (LMOs or GMOs).....
The CP provides a broad framework on biosafety, especially focusing on transboundary movements of GMOs and also covers seeds that are meant for intentional release in the environment, as well as those GMOs that are intended for food, feed, or used in food processing. ....
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Background Note
Biosafety can be broadly defined as those safety concerns regarding damage to human beings, the environment, and other living beings due to intentional or unintentional, authorized or unauthorized experiments using biotechnology.....
These concerns have surfaced in view of the opening up of agriculture for international trade through which the trading of GMOs takes place...
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