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Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Mexico`s Vinte - Affordable and Sustainable Housing for BOP Customers Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Mexico`s Vinte - Affordable and Sustainable Housing for BOP Customers
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | RailTel: A Platform for Digital Inclusion in India Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies RailTel: A Platform for Digital Inclusion in India
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Design Thinking and Innovation at Pfizer, Inc. Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Design Thinking and Innovation at Pfizer, Inc.
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Elephant Pumps: Pump Aid s Business Solution to a Social Problem Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Elephant Pumps: Pump Aid s Business Solution to a Social Problem
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Aychuta Samanta`s KISS: Mainstreaming Marginalized Communities through Education Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Aychuta Samanta`s KISS: Mainstreaming Marginalized Communities through Education
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | WaterHealth International: Providing Safe Drinking Water to the Bottom of the Pyramid Consumers (Abridged) Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies WaterHealth International: Providing Safe Drinking Water to the Bottom of the Pyramid Consumers (Abridged)
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Chetna Sinha’s Mahila Sahakari Bank: Transforming The Lives of Rural Women Through Financial Inclusion  Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Chetna Sinha’s Mahila Sahakari Bank: Transforming The Lives of Rural Women Through Financial Inclusion
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | BANDHAN: Commercializing a Social Cause  Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies BANDHAN: Commercializing a Social Cause
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Sanergy: Sustainable Sanitation Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Sanergy: Sustainable Sanitation
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Dr. Devi Shetty of Narayana Hrudayalaya:Delivering Quality Cardiac Care to the Masses Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Dr. Devi Shetty of Narayana Hrudayalaya:Delivering Quality Cardiac Care to the Masses
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | The One-For-One Model of TOMS Shoes-Can It Bring about Social Change? Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies The One-For-One Model of TOMS Shoes-Can It Bring about Social Change?
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | M-KOPA Solar: M-KOPA Solar: "Solar-preneur" with a Unique Business Model
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Jaipur Rugs-Empowering Communities at the Bottom of the Pyramid through Social Innovation Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Jaipur Rugs-Empowering Communities at the Bottom of the Pyramid through Social Innovation
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Babban Gona`s Agri-Franchising Model: Scaling up Challenges Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Babban Gona`s Agri-Franchising Model: Scaling up Challenges
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | SunCulture: Bringing Smart Technology to Smallholder Farmers Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies SunCulture: Bringing Smart Technology to Smallholder Farmers
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Sulabh International: Providing Sustainable Sanitation Solutions Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Sulabh International: Providing Sustainable Sanitation Solutions
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Ubongo-Revolutionizing Early Childhood Education in Africa Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Ubongo-Revolutionizing Early Childhood Education in Africa
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Sistema Biobolsa: Addressing Challenges of Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture and Waste Management in Mexico Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Sistema Biobolsa: Addressing Challenges of Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture and Waste Management in Mexico
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Blue Ventures: Building Transformative Approaches for Catalyzing and Sustaining Locally Led Marine Conservation Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Blue Ventures: Building Transformative Approaches for Catalyzing and Sustaining Locally Led Marine Conservation Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Living Goods: Delivering Quality Healthcare and Empowering Women in Uganda Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Living Goods: Delivering Quality Healthcare and Empowering Women in Uganda Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Inkomoko: Empowering MSME`s and Refugees in Africa through Impact Investments Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Inkomoko: Empowering MSME`s and Refugees in Africa through Impact Investments Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | NEPRA`s `Let’s Recycle` Initiative – Tackling India`s Solid Waste Management Problem Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies NEPRA`s `Let’s Recycle` Initiative – Tackling India`s Solid Waste Management Problem Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Farm to Feed: Reducing Food Waste and Creating Food Security in Kenya Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Farm to Feed: Reducing Food Waste and Creating Food Security in Kenya Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Ecokaari:Up-cycling Waste Plastics into Fabrics Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Ecokaari:Up-cycling Waste Plastics into Fabrics Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Cotopaxi:Creating Sustainable Social Impact Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Cotopaxi:Creating Sustainable Social Impact Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Kate Cincotta and Saha Global: Providing Safe Drinking Water to the Bottom of the Pyramid Consumers Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Kate Cincotta and Saha Global: Providing Safe Drinking Water to the Bottom of the Pyramid Consumers Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Wingreens-Empowering Women through Sustainable Livelihood Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Wingreens-Empowering Women through Sustainable Livelihood Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Arakunomics: An Integrated Economic Model Empowering Local Tribal Communities Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Arakunomics: An Integrated Economic Model Empowering Local Tribal Communities Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Banyan Nation: Driving India`s Circular Economy Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Banyan Nation: Driving India`s Circular Economy Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Sea6 Energy: Can this Deep-tech Start-up Scale-up Operations and Make it Big? Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Sea6 Energy: Can this Deep-tech Start-up Scale-up Operations and Make it Big? Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | BURN Manufacturing: Fueling Sustainability through Product Innovation and Carbon Financing in Africa Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies BURN Manufacturing: Fueling Sustainability through Product Innovation and Carbon Financing in Africa Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | Chefaa-Revolutionizing Healthcare Access in the Middle East through Patient-centric e-health Platform Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies Chefaa-Revolutionizing Healthcare Access in the Middle East through Patient-centric e-health Platform Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | SELFINA: Empowering Women through Micro-leasing in Tanzania Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies SELFINA: Empowering Women through Micro-leasing in Tanzania Available
Social Entrepreneurship Case Study | 7WEAVES: Slow Fashion Case Studies | Case Study in Business, Management, Operations, Strategies Case Studies 7WEAVES: Slow Fashion
Husk Power Systems: Lightening up the Indian Rural Lives
BISWA: Fostering Inclusive Growth through Microfinance (Abridged)
FINO: Leveraging Technology for Financial Inclusion
Social Entrepreneurship - The Alicia Polak Way
Trevor Field and the PlayPumps of Africa Available
Parquesoft - A Unique Social Entrepreneurship Initiative
Fabio Rosa - Bridging the Electricity Divide in Brazil
KickStart: A Business Model to Tackle Poverty
WaterHealth International: Providing Safe Drinking Water to the Bottom of the Pyramid Consumers
SKS Microfinance: Managing Growth and Continuity of a Social Enterprise
SKS Microfinance IPO: What Went Wrong
BISWA: Fostering Inclusive Growth through Microfinance
SELCO: Providing Sustainable Energy to the Bottom of the Pyramid Consumers
Global Girlfriend
The Dalit Freedom Network & Operation Mercy Charitable Company-India
Women’s Bean Project


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