Sustainable Development at Alcoa
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A Note on Sustainable Development
The main factors behind the rising concern regarding SD are: The global population boom and the environmental impact of social, economic and industrial activities (corporate and otherwise). Due to the above, demands on natural resources have multiplied manifold over the decades, putting the ecologies of different geographical regions under severe stress. The atmosphere has accumulated alarmingly high levels of harmful chemical substances like carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and pesticides.
The presence of these chemicals in natural resources (trees, soil, water bodies) led to biotoxins and organochlorines reaching the human body as well. The depletion of irrecoverable natural resources and the increasing pollution level across the globe seemed to be a price that had to be paid for industrial and economic development.
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However, when instances of companies profiteering by blatantly misusing natural resources began surfacing, environmental protectionists (and the world in general) began voicing their protests. This was the scenario that led to the corporate sector realizing the need to become more responsible, taking care not to damage the fragile environments they operated in........