Google's Problems in China

Case Details Case Introduction 1 Case Introduction 2 Case Excerpts


US based Google the leading Internet search engine company in the world started providing its services in China in 2000. Though Google soon became the leading search engine in the Chinese market, it started losing its market share in couple of years.
In China, the Internet content was heavily censored by the government and users searching on Google's site experienced inordinate delays. By 2005, Chinese search engine company Baidu emerged as the leading internet search company in China. To compete with Baidu, Google decided to launch a Chinese website - and agreed to censor its content.

Business Environment Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Business Environment, Case Studies
Business Environment Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Business Environment, Case Studies
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The case is structured to achieve the following teaching objectives:

  • Examine the problems faced by Google in China
  • Study the legal and business environment in the Chinese online media industry
  • Evaluate the impact of government regulations on the operations of foreign Internet companies like Google in China
Google Meets 'The Great Firewall'
Background Note
Google in China
Google Loses Market Share
The Launch of
The Road Ahead


Google, Internet Market in China, Forbidden Searches in China, Baidu, Legal Environment, Business Environment, Government Regulations, Tiananmen Square, Censoring Content, Search Engine,, AdSense, AdWords, Services of Google, ISPs Filtering Methods

Google Meets 'The Great Firewall' - Next Page>>