The EEMCS-IBS Best Emerging Market Case Award

Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection [EEMCS] is proud to be working in collaboration with IBS Hyderabad on the International Case Study Conference [2012]. EEMCS is sponsoring $1000 (USD) for the Best Emerging Market Case Award.
EEMCS was launched in 2011 to cater for a growing need amongst educators and students, for peer-reviewed teaching cases with a focus on today's most dynamic economies. EEMCS has been very well received in business schools around the world, with the collection experiencing over 19,000 downloads in its first year.
The EEMCS-IBS Best Emerging Market Case Award is one amongst many ways in which EEMCS supports the case author community. EEMCS also sponsors or co-sponsors the following case-writing awards:
All authors submitting cases for potential publication in EEMCS receive detailed feedback about their case from a truly international Editorial Team and over 400 reviewers working on the collection. As all EEMCS cases come with teaching notes, they count as pedagogical research (as per AACSB guidelines). EEMCS is listed by Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities.
As well as with IBS Hyderabad, EEMCS also works with the following international partners: CEEMAN; EFMD; Association for African Business Schools; Academy of International Business-Middle East North Africa region; Universidad de los Andes and SYMORG 2012. Other parties interested in partnering with EEMCS should contact Victoria Buttigieg at
For cases submitted to the conference, the copyright remains with the authors. However, cases that are submitted for consideration for The EEMCS-IBS Best Emerging Market Case Award, EEMCS will have the first right of refusal for publication of the case.