Registration for the conference can be done by one of the methods mentioned below:
1. Pay online. Follow the link [] using this secure gateway is recommended. Please e-mail the transaction details along with registration form to for confirmation.
2. Delegates may, as an alternative, execute the electronic fund transfer. Bank codes and beneficiary account details are as follows:
- Name of Bank: HDFC Bank
- Branch: Banjara Hills
- Account Type: Current A/c
- Account Number: 05212000004843
- RTGS/NEFT (IFSC Code): HDFC0000521
Note: This facility is open to participants from India only.
3. Send a Demand Draft (DD) by post along with
Registration Form. Please draw the D.D. in
favor of "IBS Hyderabad", payble at Hyderabad. The D.D. along with delegate details should be mailed to the following address:
Julie Issac,
ICMR- IBS City Office,
#52 Nagarjuna Hills,
Punjagutta, Hyderabad- 500 082
Mobile No: 91- 9640901313
Registration Fee for the Conference
Category of Participants | Indian | International |
Academicians | INR 5000 | USD150 |
Corporate Delegates | INR 7500 | USD200 |
Doctoral Scholars/Students | INR 2500 | USD100 |
1. Early bird (before August 30, 2012) - 10% discount 2. ecch members -10% discount 3. 3 or more participants from an organization –10% discount 4. Registration for multiple events (Conference and Workshop) – 10% discount.
* A participant can avail only one of the above discounts. The total discount will not exceed 10%.
The conference fee includes conference kit, copy of proceedings, use of facilities, working lunches, and tea/coffee.
Separate registrations are required for attending the
Pre-conference Workshop by ecch on Case Writing (Dec 13, 2012) and the
Concurrent Workshop on Case Study Methodology (Dec 14-15, 2012).
Important Dates: