Reorganizing AT&T: From Vertically Integrated to Customer-Centric Organization (B)

Reorganizing AT&T: From Vertically Integrated to Customer-Centric Organization (B)
Case Code: BSTR078
Case Length: 15 Pages
Period: 1876 - 2003
Pub Date: 2003
Teaching Note: Not Available
Price: Rs.400
Organization: AT&T, Department of Justice (US)
Industry: Telecom,
Countries : USA
Themes: Corporate Restructuring
Reorganizing AT&T: From Vertically Integrated to Customer-Centric Organization (B)
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts


The case discusses the voluntary breakup of AT&T in 1995 (the largest in corporate history) and its implications on the company and the telecommunication industry in the US. It examines the organizational structure of AT&T after the break-up. The case then explores the events that led to another restructuring of the company in 2000 in which the company was split into four entities - AT&T Wireless, AT&T Broadband, AT&T Consumer and AT&T Business. The organizational structure of AT&T in 2001 is discussed in detail. The case then describes the problems faced by AT&T after the break-ups. Finally, the case discusses the issues before the new CEO - David Dormann and his restructuring plan in 2003 to make AT&T a more customer-centric company.


  • Reasons that led to the break-up of AT&T and its strategic implications on the company and on the telecom industry
  • Changes in the organizational structure of AT&T (pre-breakup and post-breakup), and analyze its implications



Voluntary breakup, AT&T, 1995, telecommunication industry, US, organizational structure, AT&T, break-up, restructuring, 2000, four entities, AT&T, Wireless, AT&T Broadband, AT&T Consumer, AT&T Business, 2001, CEO, David Dormann, 2003, AT&T, customer-centric company

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