Corporate Governance at Tesco

Corporate Governance at Tesco
Case Code: CGOX011
Case Length: 11 Pages
Period: 2004
Pub Date: 2004
Teaching Note: Not Available
Price: Rs.300
Organization: Tesco
Industry: Retailing
Countries: USA
Themes: -
Corporate Governance at Tesco
Abstract Case Intro 1 Excerpts


Tesco is the UK''s largest retailer. Tesco''s businesses include convenience and gasoline retailing, small urban stores, hyper-markets and financial services. Tesco, which has a profitable on-line business, is one of the more globalised companies in the retailing industry. Tesco has committed itself to high standards of corporate governance by applying the principles set out in the Combined Code of the Cadbury and Greenbury committees. In late 2003, the company introduced changes in its board structure to facilitate the long-term development of board practices.

The case examines Tesco's corporate governance practices, with special reference to board composition, board responsibilities, board committees, directors' compensation and shareholder relations. The case can be used for MBA students as part of the corporate governance curriculum. The case aims at helping students understand the processes and systems underlying good governance.


The case is structured to achieve the following teaching objectives:

  • Adidas-Salomon (adidas) - Corporate Goernance



Tesco; Ethics; Corporate governance; Due diligence; Compliance; TE Stockwell; Cohen; Grocery stores; Retailers; Board of directors; Board committee; Directors emoluments; Shareholders relations; Performance-linked incentives; Share options

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