Marketing Maker’s Mark (A): Evolution of a Brand

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The case discusses the principles of marketing and the evolution of marketing strategies of a Kentucky-based bourbon company, Maker’s Mark. The company, which started as a small operation, evolved into the official distilled spirit of U.S. over the years. The company adopted various marketing principles and followed the marketing code of its parent company, Beam.

Maker’s Mark became distinctive through its signature hand dripped red wax seal. Maker’s Mark believed in creating connections with its fans and staying connected with them. Therefore, all its marketing activities were customer centric. The company relied heavily on online and offline word-of-mouth marketing.

Marketing Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Marketing, Case Studies
Marketing Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Marketing, Case Studies
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The case is structured to achieve the following teaching objectives:

  • Understand the marketing principles adopted by Maker’s Mark.
  • Understand the issues and challenges in creating a brand and evolving it over time.
  • Understand the reasons for the brand developing such a loyal customer base.
  • Analyze the digital marketing initiative of Maker’s Mark.
  • Critically analyze the ‘It Is What It Isn’t’ Campaign.
  • Discuss and debate what the company should do to overcome the product shortage problem.

Background Note
The Product And Process
Principles Of Maker's Mark Marketing
'It Is What It Isn't' Campaign
Spurt In Demand
The Challenge


Principles of marketing; Evolution of a brand; Loyalty program; Ambassador Loyalty Program; Manage demand; Manage shortage; Advertisements; Print ads; TV advertisement; Publicity; Digital marketing; Social media; Brand Management; Branding; Brand differentiators; Marketing code; Marketing strategies; Bourbon industry;

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