Ban of Tobacco Ads by the Government of India|Business Ethics Case Studies

Ban of Tobacco Ads by the Government of India

Case Details Case Introduction 1 Case Introduction 2 Case Excerpts

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The Nays'

Those who opposed the ban contended that by putting a ban on advertisements and sponsorships by tobacco companies, the state was effectively stepping in to tell smokers that they were incapable of deciding by themselves what was good or bad for their health and that, therefore it had to play the role of a responsible nanny. Said Amit Sarkar,

Those who opposed the ban contended that by putting a ban on advertisements and sponsorships by tobacco companies, the state was effectively stepping in to tell smokers that they were incapable of deciding by themselves what was good or bad for their health and that, therefore it had to play the role of a responsible nanny. Said Amit Sarkar,.....

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Business Ethics Case Studies | Case Study in Management, Operations, Strategies, Business Ethics, Case Studies
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The Haze

Tobacco consumption was growing in the developing countries while it was falling in the developed countries. Concerned over the welfare of its citizens, who were fast becoming a prey, the Indian government decided to ban advertising by tobacco companies as a first step towards its goal of discouraging smokers. But the advocates of free choice and the cigarette companies (the worst hit in the tobacco industry when the ban was imposed) insisted that ban was no solution to the problem.

Said Shunu Sen, CEO, Quadra Advisory, "Excess of anything is bad.Excess of coffee, tea...whatever. Where do we draw the line?" They argued that that the ban was unjustified, as advertisements didn't promote smoking, and that the ban was not the right solution to the problem. The Cigarette companies expressed concern that the ban would deny them level-playing field.

