Coca-Cola's Water Sustainability Initiatives |
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"[...] The Coca-Cola Company pledges to return the water we use in our beverages and their production; to achieve balance in communities and in nature with the water we use. This goal is, admittedly, aspirational. It will be a multi-year journey for our entire system, but it is a journey we have begun and will continue to pursue."1 - E. Neville Isdell, Chairman and CEO, The Coca-Cola Company, in 2007. "Coke has done 'greenwashing' very well. They shifted their image to one of a green and socially responsible organization, but they're not changing their operations."2 - Richard Girard, Researcher, Polaris Institute3, in 2008. Introduction
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1] "The Coca-Cola Company 'Replenish Report',"www.thecoca-colacompany.com, January 2008. |
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