A Note on Global Insurance Industry and the Study of Indian Insurance
Business Reports
Case Details:
Report Code : BREP021
Report Length : 16 Pages
Period : -
Organization : -
Pub Date : 2003
Teaching Note : Not Available
Countries : India
Industry : Insurance
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Insurance Markets
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This note examines the recent trends in the global insurance industry and
provides information on the state of global insurance industry in general, and
the Indian insurance industry in particular.
It details the major factors that have influenced the industry in the new
millennium including the emergence of new distribution channels to market
insurance products, consolidation and globalization of insurance companies
worldwide, rapidly developing technology and changing industry laws and
The note also examines the negative impact of the US terrorist attacks in 2001
on the industry.
Finally, the note presents an in-depth study on the changes in the Indian
insurance industry after its deregulation.
The note is intended to provide supporting material for case studies/courseware
pertaining to the global and Indian insurance industries and the companies
operating in these industries.
The Global Insurance Industry
Insurance is essentially a social device to reduce or eliminate risk of loss to
life and property. The risks which can be insured against include death,
fire, the perils of sea, accidents and burglary.
Any risk
contingent upon these may be insured against at a premium commensurate
with the risk involved.
The insurance business is divided into life insurance
and non-life (general) insurance, which includes fire, marine, social,
and various other forms of insurance. The life insurance industry across
the world has evolved over many decades; it is based on the principle of
insurance being a collective bearing of risk, which offers individuals
an opportunity to protect themselves.
A large number of people form an association that
shares the risks faced by individuals... |
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