Hindustan Times vs The Times of India
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"We are totally baffled by this price war and don't have funds to compete. Pricing a paper at Re.1 is ridiculous, even by their own admission. We can only hope this irrational pricing does not last." - A Senior Manager at The Indian Express. "For many years, no one (at HT) considered ToI competition. We thought the advertiser can't do without us. Now, we are on our toes, always looking at what the competition is doing." - Shobhana Bhartia, Vice Chairperson, Hindustan Times. In the late 1990s, Hindustan Times (HT) 1 was facing tough competition in Delhi from The Times of India (ToI) 2 so far as circulation, readership and revenues were concerned. HT earned more than half of Delhi's ad revenue, but ToI too, was getting close to 40% by 1999-2000. A Brief On The IndustryNewspaper companies in India came to be projected as public service institutions after independence.
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1] HT, the flagship publication of, Hindustan Times group, was inaugurated as a tabloid eveninger by Mahatma Gandhi on September 24, 1924. In 1927, Ganshyam Das Birla took over the paper. According to Audit Bureau of Circulation, in 2000, HT had a two-thirds readership share of all English newspapers published from Delhi. |
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