The Fall of Arthur Andersen - Organizational Culture Issues
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB024
Case Length : 12 Pages
Period : 1990 - 2002
Pub Date : 2002
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : Arthur Anderson
Industry : Consulting
Countries : USA
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Changing the Organizational Philosophy
According to former Arthur Andersen partners, the decision to remove the
two-year audit practice rule was the first step in developing a generation of
future leaders at Andersen who did not share a deep bond with the audit group or
its values. According to Victor Miller (Miller), the head of the consulting
group, "The real bitterness emerged when we began pulling people [into the
leadership circle] with no background and no personal relationships with the
auditors." During the late 1960s, Arthur Andersen's consulting group continued
to grow, and began competing with computer giants like IBM in computer
consulting services...
The Auditing/Consulting Divisions Fight it Out
In 1987, to end the animosity between the two groups, the audit group agreed
to separate the groups and allow the consulting group to function as an
independent division. However, this agreement included a clause, which
stated that the group, which earned more would have to give 15% in the
earnings of the other group. The agreement also stated that the consulting
partners now would directly report to other consulting partners and not
auditing partners. In 1989, consulting group revenues accounted for over 40%
of the firm's total revenues of $2.8 billion...
A Change in Values - Why Andersen Began Compromising
Arthur Andersen Worldwide had not only experienced internal
conflict, it had also experienced an erosion of its culture. Various
factors were responsible for this cultural decay. During the 1990s
(especially in the mid and late-1990s), the auditing services
business was at a low. Arthur Andersen had the slowest rate of
growth (12.6%) among the Big Five auditing firms. Also, though its
consulting group was making profits, it was still in the initial
stages. The consulting groups of competitors such as KPMG and Ernst
and Young were, however, making high margins on their consulting
services... |
Andersen - Ready to Fall
In this vitiated environment, Arthur Andersen employees were not allowed to
question the superiors and were forced to comply with improper orders. There was
no transparency in the system. According to Toffler, most of the people did not
want to be involved in unethical activities, and such activities took place only
because 'decent people were put under unbearable pressure to do their jobs and
to meet the firm's ambitious goals with very limited resources to get the job