Disorganization at Semco: Human Resource Practices as a Strategic Advantage
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Please note: This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source. Chat with us ![]() Please leave your feedback ![]() |
Background Note
In 1982, Antonio's son, Semler, aged 24, took charge of Semco. At the time of Semler's entry, the company was financially in dire straits. Semler started his stint as the new CEO by dismissing around 66% of the company's executives, many of them his father's confidants.8 Initially, he focused on ensuring that the company remained solvent. After the company's financial condition improved, he moved to purchase other companies and explore new businesses.9 To begin with, Semler too followed authoritarian practices, appointed managers who pushed the employees hard, and put in long hours himself. Despite Semco's speedy expansion, the overwhelming stress on output and on reaching stiff expansion targets exhausted the organization and had negative repercussions on management's relations with employees.10 The hectic schedule also took its toll on Semler. On a particular day, while touring a pump factory near New York, he fainted on the shop floor. The doctor declared that he was essentially healthy but more mentally strained than any person aged 25 years that he had previously encountered.11 After that incident, Semler resolved to harmonize his office and personal life better and to refashion his employees’ lives similarly. Primarily, this entailed their enjoying their work lives.
6] Ekaterina Zakomurnaya, "Semco SA: Brazilian Miracle where Employees Set their Salaries and Sleep in Hammocks," www.good2work.com, August 8, 2007. |
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