The Delhi Metro Project: Effective Project Management in the Indian Public Sector|Project Management|Case Study|Case Studies

The Delhi Metro Project: Effective Project Management in the Indian Public Sector

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Case Details:

Case Code : PROM005
Case Length : 21 Pages
Period : 1998-2006
Pub Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available
Organization : DMRC
Industry : Construction
Countries : India

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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.

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Introduction Contd...

However, thanks to thorough planning, an effective project design, and a 'we-mean business' culture, it was able to overcome all these hurdles. The organizational culture was based on punctuality, honesty, and a strict adherence to deadlines. The DMRC successfully managed the various stakeholders in the project like the general public, government bodies, etc., and also ensured that the project was environmentally safe.

With Phase I of the Delhi Metro project nearing completion, the GoI decided to extend the metro network and work on Phase II of the Delhi Metro project was set to commence in September 2006.

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In the process of implementing the project, the DMRC had gained a lot of technological expertise, which would be used by other cities in India and abroad to build metro systems similar to the Delhi Metro.

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Background Note

Metro systems were generally considered as a transport option when the population of a city crossed the 1 million mark (Refer Exhibit I to know more about metro transit systems). Delhi crossed that milestone as early as in the 1940s.

The 1950s saw a doubling of the city's population; with that, the vehicular traffic also soared. By the early 1990s, Delhi had more registered vehicles than Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai put together.

It had become one of the most polluted cities in the world, with automobiles contributing to more than two thirds of the total atmospheric pollution. There was an urgent need felt at this point to improve both the quality and availability of mass transport services in Delhi.

The first ever traffic study of Delhi (titled the 'Origin – Destination Survey of Traffic of Greater Delhi') was carried out by the Central Road Research Institute (CRRI) in 1957. As many as 35 more studies on Delhi's transport problems were conducted subsequently by various entities (Refer Exhibit II for some of these studies). Almost all these studies recommended the Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS) as a means to solve Delhi's traffic problems.

In 1989, the GNCTD, with support from the GoI, commissioned a feasibility study for developing an MRTS for Delhi. The study was undertaken by Rail India Technical & Economic Services Ltd. (RITES)5 and completed in 1991...

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5] RITES, established in 1974, is the multi-disciplinary consultancy wing of the Indian Railways. RITES has served as a consultant to top organizations and Governments in 55 countries. It largely operates in the fields of transport, infrastructure, and related technologies.


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