Report Details:
Price: |
Report Code |
: |
BREP045 |
For delivery in electronic format: Rs. 700 ; For delivery through courier (within India): Rs. 700 + Shipping & Handling Charges extra
ThemesBusiness Reports |
Report Length |
: |
17 Pages |
Period |
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2000 - 2006 |
Organization |
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Corporation, Q-Cells AG, Schott AG, BP Solar, and Shell
Solar |
Pub Date |
: |
2007 |
Teaching Note |
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Not Available |
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Japan, US, Europe, China, India |
Industry |
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Solar Energy
(Renewable Energy) |
The growing world population and heightened economic activity has resulted in
increased consumption of power. Fossil fuels form a major source for power
generation. But these resources are limited in nature and are a major
contributing factor the problem of global warming and climate change. Hence,
there has been a rising emphasis on the development of renewable energy sources
in order to decrease dependence on fossil fuels, reduce contamination of air and
water resulting from combustion of fossil fuels, and attain sustainability in
power generation. Renewable energy sources such as solar power are available in
abundance, and can be generated using solar cells or photovoltaic (PV) cells.
Solar energy is expected to emerge as the
world's fastest growing and most profitable energy industry
globally. The major solar cell manufacturers in the world are
located in Europe and Japan. As global solar cell producers are
expanding their capacity, silicon manufacturers are also
increasing their production to match the rise in demand. This
has resulted in increasing investment in the solar energy
Solar energy can provide a decentralized source of power,
especially for developing countries such as India and China,
where a significant part of the total population lives in remote
areas and is deprived of power. Grid connected PV technology has
shown strong growth in the recent years. With regard to the
regulatory environment, several countries have implemented a
number of regulations such as feed-in tariff and renewable
portfolio standards to promote power consumption from renewable
sources. Subsidies and other incentives are also being offered
to promote investment in renewable energy systems. Emission
reduction targets specified in the Kyoto Protocol are also
propelling countries across the world to invest in renewable
energy and reduce their emissions.
Major solar energy generating nations such as Germany, Japan and
the US have implemented a number of programs to encourage the
installation of solar power systems. Solar power will continue
to grow supported by favorable regulations till it becomes cost
competitive with conventional power.
But solar cells are produced from silicon, and the process of
producing silicon is a complex one. This increases the cost of
solar cells. Hence global solar cell producers are searching for
alternative technologies to produce low cost solar cells. The
performance efficiency and payback period of solar cells are
also among the major factors to be addressed by solar cell
Solar Energy World, Europe, Regulatory Environment,
Photovoltaic (PV) Cell Production, Non-conventional Energy Sources, Kyoto
Protocol, Grid connected PV technology, Japan, California Solar Initiative,
Fossil Fuel , Environment Management Pollution, Mitsubishi Corporation, Feed-in
Tariff, Sharp Corporation, Q-Cells AG, BP Solar
A Note on The World Solar Energy Industry
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