Knowledge Management @Tata Steel
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Case Details: |
Price: |
Case Code |
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ITSY036 |
For delivery in electronic format: Rs.
For delivery through courier (within India): Rs. 300 + Shipping & Handling Charges extraThemes
Knowledge Management |
Case Length |
: |
12 Pages |
Period |
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1990 - 2004 |
Pub Date |
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2004 |
Teaching Note |
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Available |
Organization |
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Tata |
Industry |
: |
Steel |
: |
India |
In the late 1990s, Tata Steel began to introduce knowledge
management initiatives in the company. It started with a small group of people
from within the organization. The group formed a "knowledge repository", where
all the employees shared their experiences and knowledge. One year after the
knowledge repository was formed, the company formed "knowledge communities",
which was a platform for like-minded people to meet and share their experiences.
In 2001, Tata Steel developed a "KM index" to evaluate the performance of
individual employee in the KM initiative. Later, it linked performance
evaluation to KM and used a balanced scorecard to monitor the performance of
individual employees, divisions, as well as the organization as a whole, in KM.
All these initiatives of Tata Steel seem to
have paid off; in early 2003, Tata Steel was recognized as one
of Asia's Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises. It was the only
steel company in the world to have received the MAKE award.
» How the knowledge present within a system can be harnessed to yield major
benefits to the organization as well as to the people within it.
» The importance of matching new initiatives with the behavioral and working
motivations of people in order to obtain better acceptance of these initiatives
and greater benefits.
1990s, Tata Steel, knowledge management, organization,
knowledge repository, employees, shared, experiences, knowledge, knowledge
communities, KM index, linked, performance evaluation, KM, balanced scorecard,
Asia, Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises, MAKE
Asia's Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise
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