Personality Based Hiring - Bridgewater’s Success Mantra |
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In order to make Bridgewater as vibrant as possible in terms of ideas, opinions, and thought processes, the management focused on building a diverse workforce by recruiting the best available talent irrespective of ethnicity, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation/identity, and even relevant educational qualifications... |
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The company's work culture was based on Ray’s pet principle of ‘radical truth and radical transparency’. According to this principle, employees had to pursue the truth without fear. They were expected to exemplify integrity and to expect the same of others, which meant that they had to refrain from talking behind someone's back and to avoid nepotism. . |
Ray’s principles and the personality fitment of the hired employees helped the firm make many accurate investment decisions. Bridgewater accurately predicted the sub-prime crisis of 2008-2009 and traded accordingly to make profits.. . |
Several organizations, including start-ups, consulting firms, fast food retailers, security service providers, universities, and US federal agencies such as the US Department of State and CIA had included personality tests in their respective hiring processes... |
Exhibit I:Synopsis of Ray’s Work Principles Exhibit II: Ray’s Life Principles Exhibit III:
A Brief Note on MBTI Exhibit IV: A Brief Note on Stratified Systems Theory (SST) Exhibit V: Bridgewater's 2020 Strategic Report: An Economic and Markets Outlook - Summary