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Flipkart`s Move toward Automated Supply Chain Management |
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In February 2018, India’s largest warehouse robotics startup, GreyOrange Robotics Pvt. Ltd., (Grey Orange) unveiled a new robotic system called Butler XL (Refer to Exhibit I for categories of GreyOrange Butler robots). The new system, to be deployed at warehouses, was expected to automate inventory storage (putaway) and order fulfillment. India’s largest online store, Flipkart Online Services Pvt. Ltd., (Flipkart) had, in the mid-2010s, become one of GreyOrange’s first clients after it secured a range of warehouse automation and order fulfillment systems from them. The new automation systems helped Flipkart achieve a range of benefits in its supply chain and placed the company at the forefront in adopting robotics enabled automation systems in India. |
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