Cash Flow Analysis of HDFC Bank Limited

Case Code: CLFIN042 Case Length: 3 Pages Period: 2020-21 Pub Date: 2023 Teaching Note: Available |
Price: Rs.150 Organization : HDFC Bank Limited Industry :Banking Countries : India Themes: Accounting and Control ,Financial Analysis |

HDFC Bank Limited (HDFC) is a leading private sector bank in India. During the year 2020-21, the bank earned revenue of Rs. 15,58,852.736 million, while its consolidated profit before tax was Rs. 427,725.836 million after adjusting for expenses.
The present case study can help in analyzing and understanding the cash flows from the operating, investing, and financing activities of a banking company.
The case study can also be used to understand how to determine the amount of total cash and cash equivalents generated during the year.
- The concept of cash flows and cash equivalents.
- The nature and classification of operating, investing, and financing activities of a banking company.
- The process of determining the cash flows of a banking company as per Accounting Standard 3.
HDFC Bank Limited (HDFC), a leading banking and financial services company in India head quartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, was founded in the year 1994 as a subsidiary of the Housing Development Finance Corporation. HDFC was the largest private sector bank in terms of assets and market capitalization as on March 31, 2021. It was also the fifteenth largest employer with around 120,000 employees. HDFC offered various types of banking services and products which included wholesale banking and retail banking services, as well as treasury services, auto loans, housing loans, two-wheeler loans, personal loans, etc. For the year 2020-21 (April 2020 to March 2021), HDFC’s total income stood at Rs.15, 58,852.736 million..
HDFC Bank Limited; Cash flow; Cash equivalents; Operating Cash flows; Investing Cash flows; Financing Cash flows; Indian Accounting Standard 3
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