Case Studies in Business, Management

Representing a broad range of management subjects, the ICMR Case Collection provides teachers, corporate trainers, and management professionals with a variety of teaching and reference material. The collection consists of case studies and research reports on a wide range of companies and industries - both Indian and international. The collection contains several kinds of case studies:
Full Cases
Our case studies are usually between 10 and 20 pages long, and are written from an industry or company perspective, rather than from the perspective of an individual decision maker. In addition to training, these case studies are useful if you require information on industries, or on companies and their strategies. If you require multiple copies of the case studies for classroom use, please purchase a license to make the number of copies required, from the site. We will then e-mail a clean copy of the pdf file (without the 'Do Not Copy' watermark) to you, so that you can make the number of copies required.
Business Environment |
Business Ethics |
Business Reports |
Business Strategy |
Corporate Governance |
Disaster Management |
Economics |
Enterprise Risk Management |
Family Business Management |
Finance |
Human Resource and Organization Behavior |
Innovation |
Insurance |
IT and Systems |
Law |
Leadership and Entrepreneurship |
Marketing |
Miscellaneous |
Operations |
Project Management |
Simplified Case Studies |
Women Empowerment |
CSR and Sustainability
Case Volumes
These contain collections of selected case studies.
Link: Case Study Volumes
Compact Cases
These are very short (3 or 4 pages) case studies, essentially covering one issue or topic. These can be used in classroom and other situations where the time available for case preparation is limited. Short cases, or caselets, are increasingly used as teaching aids, both in B-Schools and in executive education programs. Being brief and focused on a specific topic, a caselet is a useful supplement to a lecture. The session plan for a B-School course is likely to be more effective when there is a balanced mix of cases and caselets, along with other pedagogical tools.
Business Environment |
Business Ethics |
Business Strategy |
Consumer Behavior |
Economics |
Finance |
Human Resource Management |
Industrial Marketing |
International Marketing |
IT and Systems |
Marketing Communications |
Marketing Management |
Miscellaneous |
Operations |
Sales and Distribution Management |
Services Marketing
Multimedia Cases
These are case studies with substantial multimedia content. In addition to the printable version of the case study, these include one or more CDs with video clips of the case study protagonists in action, or being interviewed by the case developers. We believe that the multimedia content provides a greater immediacy to the subject matter of the case, and promotes greater involvement in the case study on the part of the learner.
Multimedia Case Studies
Cases in Other Languages
Some of our case studies have been translated into languages such as Spanish, French, Portuguese and Russian, German, French, and Chinese.
Link: Cases in Other Languages
Free Cases
ICMR regularly updates the list of free cases. The provided cases are read only. To get the PDF version, you need to purchase the case study. To view more free cases, please visit our site at frequent intervals.
Link: Free Case Studies