Azim Premji Foundation: A Philanthropic initiative to Improve Indian Rural Primary Education (A) |
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Premji had it etched in his mind from early in his life that ‘Character is Destiny’. He was deeply committed to understanding and grooming the character through a set of core values. Nothing came ahead of character in individual development, as far as he was concerned... |
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Premji’s early source of inspiration to take up philanthropic initiatives was his mother, Gulbanoo Premji (Gulbanoo). Being a doctor, she founded a philanthropic orthopedic hospital in Mumbai for children suffering from polio and cerebral palsy. She served as its chairperson for 50 years (from the age of 27 to 77). Her relentless efforts, never-say-die attitude, and empathetic heart had a formative influence on young Premji... |
To Premji, philanthropy boiled down to a simple philosophy: “From those to whom much is given, much is expected back.” Philanthropy did not strike him as a hobby or an option. It was a mix of deeply embedded factors such as heartfelt worry, genuine concern, and individual responsibility that kindled in him the passionate desire to take up philanthropy... |
Premji was raised in a culture of economy, prudence, and care when it came to spending money and other resources. Despite being among the wealthiest citizens of the world, he shied away from a flashy lifestyle. Though he saw a meteoric rise in his career and wealth, he never forgot his humble beginnings and early life lessons... |
Premji was initially faced with a dilemma in choosing between the education and health sectors, as he felt both were vital for a country and were potential avenues for philanthropy in India. A series of deliberations between Premji and his long-time associate, Dilip Ranjekar, resulted in his zeroing in on the idea of contributing to the education sector, as he felt that education was the vehicle which would have the desired ripple effect on other concerns of the nation like health, sanitation, livelihood, etc. .. |
Premji was shocked by the abysmal conditions that plagued the Indian primary education system. He felt the government’s commitment to primary education was not commensurate with the importance of the sector. The investment made in the primary education sector was not substantial compared to the impressive investments in higher studies. Before APF began its philanthropic initiatives it carried out a series of extensive studies in 1999-2000 to understand the landscape of primary education in India – particularly rural India... |
Amidst the plethora of facts that painted a scary picture of Indian primary education, Premji launched his campaign to transform primary schools. The mission was guided by Premji’s vision to create a just and equitable society through sustained quality education. India being home to a huge underprivileged population, the need of the hour was a strategy that promised a systemic change and large-scale impact... |
Exhibit I:Spirit of Wipro Exhibit II:Return on Investment in Wipro’s Stock Exhibit III:Wipro’s Key Milestones Exhibit IV:Wipro’s Shareholding Pattern as on January 20, 2016 Exhibit V:Overview of Primary Education Sector in India Exhibit VI:State-wise Pupil-Teacher Ratio (PTR) status in 2012-13 Exhibit VII:Azim Premji Foundation – Values Exhibit VIII:APF’s Strategic Components and Intervention Programs