Report Details:
Price: |
Report Code |
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BREP040 |
For delivery in electronic format: Rs. 1000; For delivery through courier (within India): Rs. 1000 + Shipping & Handling Charges extraThemesBusiness Reports |
Report Length |
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30 Pages |
Period |
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2002 - 2006 |
Organization |
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- |
Pub Date |
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2007 |
Teaching Note |
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Not Available |
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Industry |
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Energy |
Executive Summary
The US and Canada are
developing renewable energy sources to decrease their dependence on
fossil fuels, develop self sufficiency in power generation, and decrease
the pollution that results from the combustion of fossil fuels.
Consumers in the US and Canada have become more open to the use of solar
energy due to its eco-friendly nature.
To promote investment in the
solar energy sector, the US government introduced the renewable
portfolio standards, and the net metering system, while the Canadian
government had introduced the net metering system. In addition, tax
rebates, financing systems, and an array of supporting regulations have also
been introduced.
The governmental efforts seem to be paying off as
the installation of solar energy systems, which was earlier limited to
the off grid sector, is expanding to the grid connected sector.
policy makers in both the US and Canada were determined to meet the
future growth in power demand through increased production of renewable
energy. Canada had a competitive advantage due to it being an early
adopter market for new technologies and low photovoltaic production cost
when compared to other major photovoltaic producing nations such as
Japan and Germany.
The demand for solar energy is influenced by a number of factors such as
the cost of generating solar power compared to conventional power, the
sustainability of power supply, and the capability of providing
electricity in remote areas due to its decentralized nature. People
should be made aware about the advantages of solar energy and any
misconceptions they have about it should be removed. Solar energy supply
depends on a number of factors such as the investment made in solar
energy systems, which in turn, depends on the payback period.
Determining the right location for the installation of the solar energy
system is essential for optimum performance as solar radiation varies
from region to region.
However, there are a few challenges in the solar energy industry. In the
US, the challenges are in the form of a conglomeration of regional
markets and the lack of a well-developed structure. Lack of
standardization of material to be used for the production of
photovoltaics affects the quality and cost structure of the solar energy
systems available in the market. It was reported that a majority of the
Canadian population felt that the government measures to support
development of the solar energy industry were inadequate. A coordinated
effort by the government and the private sector should be implemented,
supported by adequate funding to develop the solar energy industry. A
mechanism should be developed for testing solar products before they are
released into the market.
Solar Energy Industry, Oil and Gas, Power Sector, USA and
Canada, North America, Global Warming, Climate Change, Greenhouse gases,
Photovoltaic panels, Solar cells, Regulatory environment, Renewable Portfolio
Standards, Advanced Energy Initiative, Million Solar Roof Initiative, Solar
American Initiative, Renewable Energy Production Incentive, Tax exemptions and
rebates, Renewable Energy Deployment Initiative, Net Metering
Report on Solar Energy in the US and Canada
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