eBay's Problems in China

eBay's Problems in China
Case Code: BSTR278
Case Length: 19 Pages
Period: 2002-2007
Pub Date: 2008
Teaching Note: Not Available
Price: Rs.300
Organization: eBay
Industry: Internet and E-Commerce
Countries: China
Themes: Globalization, International Business, Joint Venture
eBay's Problems in China
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts

Background Note

eBay was founded by Pierre Omidyar (Omidyar), a software programmer at San Francisco, California, USA, in 1995. Omidyar got the idea of creating an Internet auction site when his fiancée faced a difficulty while trying to collect Pez dispensers from the San Francisco Bay Area. Omidyar launched an online auction site called Auction Web (www.ebay.com being the domain name) in September 1995, creating a marketplace that would enable people to trade with each other...

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