World's Largest Retailer in the World's Most Populous Country: Wal-Mart in China

Case Code: BSTR495 Case Length: 13 Pages Period: 1996-2015 Pub Date: 2016 Teaching Note: Available |
Price: Rs.600 Organization: Wal-Mart Industry: Retail Countries: China Themes: Globalization, Strategy |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
Lucrative Market of China
The growth of China's retail sector had been one of the most spectacular economic marvels of the new millennium. From 1990s, in almost 30 years, China had witnessed vast economic reforms and emerged as a major exporting country while experiencing an unprecedented urbanization. These factors led to the country attaining an admirable position globally in terms of Gross National Income (GNI) per capita which had expanded 13 times in last two decades. The increased incomes resulted in consumers’ increased capacity to spend. By 2015, per capita consumption in China increased to $2502 from $1975 in 2008. 6 In 2015, the total urban consumption was almost $1.96 trillion, making the country the third biggest consumer market after the U.S. and Japan.
This growth led to the emergence of a buoyant retail sector. The country’s domestic retailers came forward to reap benefits from the mounting retail appetite while the global retail chains also started hunting to grab a share in the booming Chinese retail market. The retail format of China also evolved from simple grocery shops in 1960s to high-end malls in 2000s......
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