Cochin International Airport Limited A Case of Public - Private Partnership (B)

Case Code: ECOA129 Case Length: 07 Pages Period: - Pub Date: 2005 Teaching Note: Not Available |
Price: Rs.200 Organization : - Industry : - Countries : Kerala, India Themes: - |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Excerpts
Investment-Return Equation
The foundation stone was laid on 21 August 1994, with KITCO, a state government enterprise being responsible for monitoring the progess of the project and coordination...
Hitches in the Take-Off
In the beginning CIAL was operating only 12 flights daily. It soon became clear that CIAL would be viable only with the closing of the old naval airport to civilian traffic. But there were well-entrenched interests who felt that CIAL should only concentrate on international flights and leave the domestic flights to the old airport...
The Road Ahead
CIAL had an operating surplus right from the first year of its operations. However the margin was inadequate to cover the debt servicing. As per projections, complete debt servicing was expected to be feasible from the second year..
Exhibit 1: Initial Financing Plan 1992
Exhibit 2: Project Cost
Exhibit 3: Capital Structure
Exhibit 4: Projected Domestic Traffic upto 2016-2017
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