Discrimination Cases at Boeing
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB078
Case Length : 20 Pages
Period : 1998 - 2005
Pub. Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : The Boeing Company
Industry : Aerospace
Countries : USA
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This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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"We were treated with little respect. The men believed that the only work for women at Boeing was behind a desk as a secretary." 1
- Carol Jensen, Plaintiff in the Beck vs. Boeing case in 2004.
"These claims do not reflect how we do business and we believe the plaintiffs' lawyers are using broad brush strokes to unfairly paint a negative perception of how the employees of our company treat one another." 2
- Ken Mercer, Spokesman, The Boeing Company commenting on the allegations made by the plaintiffs and their attorneys in the Beck Vs. Boeing Case in 2004.
"We've moved ahead on numerous fronts in making improvements to our work environment." 3
- John Dern, Spokesman, The Boeing Company in 2005.
On November 12, 2005, The Boeing Company (Boeing) agreed to pay $72.5 million to settle a gender discrimination lawsuit filed against it by the some of the company's female employees in 2000.
Boeing was accused of discriminating against these employees based on gender, and denying them fair pay scales, promotions, management positions, desirable assignments, training, overtime, bonuses and other benefits. The plaintiffs said that Boeing's practice of gender discrimination against its female employees caused them pain and agony.
One of the plaintiffs said, "Men were getting the plum designing assignments. It was out-and-out discrimination, and a woman couldn't do anything about it."4 The plaintiffs complained that working at Boeing was painful as it had a hostile environment where the men treated the women harshly.
Commenting on Boeing's practices, the plaintiffs' lawyers said that Boeing
treated its female employees very differently from male employees. They stated
that the company had overlooked the complaints made by the plaintiffs and never
took any action to curb the discriminatory practices. They also said that the
company's own internal audits showed discrimination against female employees in
the company. It was not the first time that Boeing was being accused of
the 1990s and early 2000s, many discrimination related suits had been
filed against Boeing. Discrimination cases against Boeing had been filed
by African-American, Asian and female employees. Boeing denied the
allegations and stated that it had strong anti-discrimination policies,
which discouraged discrimination of any kind. It stated that all the
employees were given equal opportunity and fair treatment irrespective
of their race or gender (Refer Exhibit I for Boeing's Equal Employment
Opportunity). It said that Boeing had a fair working environment where
the employees respected and honored the rights of their co-employees. It
also stated that it reacted strongly in case there were complaints
against employees who violated these policies. |
Discrimination Cases at Boeing
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