Discrimination Cases at Boeing
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Case Details:
Case Code : HROB078
Case Length : 20 Pages
Period : 1998 - 2005
Pub. Date : 2006
Teaching Note :Not Available Organization : The Boeing Company
Industry : Aerospace
Countries : USA
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Please note:
This case study was compiled from published sources, and is intended to be used as a basis for class discussion. It is not intended to illustrate either effective or ineffective handling of a management situation. Nor is it a primary information source.
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Employment Practices at Boeing
BCA operated in the Puget Sound Area (Washington), Tulsa
(Oklahoma), Witchita (Kansas), and Long Beach (California). The Boeing IDS was
located at Kent (Washington), Southern California, St. Louis (Missouri),
Arizona, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania) and Witchita (Kansas). The Boeing SSG
operated in Seattle (Washington), Southern California, St. Louis (Missouri) and
Witchita (Kansas).
These units were called Boeing heritage sites. The Boeing non-heritage sites
included MDC, BNA and Hughes. MDC had facilities in Southern California,
Missouri, Arizona and St. Louis (Missouri). Hughes had facilities in Southern
BNA operated in Southern California, and Tulsa (Oklahoma). Boeing had
laid down a set of values and code of conduct, which were to be followed
throughout the company (Refer Exhibit II for Boeing Values and Exhibit III for
Boeing Code of Conduct).
Boeing was bound by the Collective Bargaining
Agreements (CBAs) reached with its various unions. Boeing had more than 60 CBAs...
Cases of Racial Discrimination at Boeing
Staton, et al vs. The Boeing Co
In March 1998, a group of forty-three African-American employees of Boeing filed a case in the federal court of Seattle, Washington against the company's alleged racially discriminatory practices. In June 1998, 12 plaintiffs who had filed in March, and another 4 employees, together filed a class action suit in the Seattle court.
In July 1998, seven employees of Boeing filed for a
class action in the Philadelphia court. In October 1998, the two cases
were combined into a single one. In November 1998, the plaintiffs
amended their complaint. In the new complaint, there were 32 plaintiffs
- all African- American - coming together against Boeing. The plaintiffs
included supervisors, rank-and-file workers, and salaried and hourly
employees working at Boeing. The case was filed under Staton, et al. vs
The Boeing Co. The plaintiffs charged Boeing and its subsidiaries BNA and MDC with discriminatory practices in promotion, pay and decisions pertaining to their progress in career. They also complained that Boeing supported and had a hostile work environment... |
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