Mckinsey's Knowledge Management Practices

Case Code: ITSY058 Case Length: 19 Pages Period: 1980-2007 Pub Date: 2007 Teaching Note: Not Available |
Price: Rs.400 Organization: McKinsey & Company Industry: Consulting Countries: US Themes: Knowledge Management |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
In July 2006, US-based McKinsey & Company (McKinsey) earned recognition as one of the companies committed to growth through innovation and managing enterprise knowledge to create intellectual capital.
McKinsey figured in the Most Admired Knowledge Enterprises (MAKE) Report 2006, published by Teleos.
A panel comprising executives from Global Fortune 500 companies and KM experts chose the winners of the 2006 MAKE awards.
Commenting on the winners, Rory Chase, Managing Director of Teleos, said, "These organizations have been recognized as global leaders in effectively transforming enterprise knowledge into wealth-creating ideas, products, and solutions.
They are building portfolios of intellectual capital and intangible assets which will enable them to out-perform their competitors now and in the future." McKinsey was also inducted into the Global MAKE Hall of Fame for being a Global MAKE finalist for five years in a row. On McKinsey, the MAKE report wrote, "McKinsey & Company, founded in 1926, is perhaps the most knowledge-oriented firm within the global management consulting industry. McKinsey is not the largest consulting company in the world (US$ 3.5 billion in annual revenues and 10,000 staff working in more than 80 offices in 44 countries), but it is among the most profitable and many consider that it has the strongest brand image...
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