Delta Airlines: Advancing Equity through Skills-First Talent Strategy and Internal Mobility

Delta Airlines: Advancing Equity through Skills-First Talent Strategy and Internal Mobility
Case Code: HROB260
Case Length: 7 Pages
Period: 2020-2024
Pub Date: 2024
Teaching Note: Available
Price: Rs.300
Organization: Delta Air Lines
Industry: Transport & Logistics
Countries: United States
Themes: Employee Development, Training & Development, Talent Management,Workplace Diversity
Delta Airlines: Advancing Equity through Skills-First Talent Strategy and Internal Mobility
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts


Delta Air Lines (Delta), a US based global airline, launched an internal skills-first talent strategy program in March 2022 . The goal of the program was to promote frontline workers including flight attendants, reservations specialists, and airport customer agents with relevant skills and experience, to open jobs in the company.

Delta’s 2021 diversity report revealed that the global company lacked equity. As per the diversity report, people of color represented about 43 percent of Delta’s current employees, about 35 percent of its overall leaders, and about 18 percent of its top 100 officers. The company also found in the diversity report that its black colleagues represented about 21 percent of its employee base, about 16 percent of overall leaders, and about 7 percent of its top 100 officers. Based on the diversity report which raised considerable concern with regard to the representation of black colleagues, Delta decided to take measures to correct its course to become a more just, equal, and anti-racist company..

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