National Participatory Budget in Portugal – Reviving the Citizenry Trust in Government

National Participatory Budget in Portugal – Reviving the Citizenry Trust in Government
Case Code: BENV050
Case Length: 13 Pages
Period: 2006-2017
Pub Date: 2024
Teaching Note: Available
Price: Rs.400
Organization: -
Industry: -
Countries: Portugal
Themes: Government Policies, Public-Private Partnerships
National Participatory Budget in Portugal – Reviving the Citizenry Trust in Government
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts


Participatory Budgeting , a process that allows people to decide on public investments in different governmental areas, began in Porto Alegre, Brazil, in 1989. It spread globally in the early 2000s. Governments across the world allocated millions of dollars to Participatory Budgets (PBs). For example, € 100 million (US$ 110 million) was disbursed through a PB in Paris in 2016. Its popularity could be gauged by the fact that as of 2021 there were more than 11,000 PBs across the world in 71 countries.

The PB was usually implemented in a city or a municipality. Portugal was the only country where it was being implemented across the nation. The National Participatory Budget (NPB) of Portugal that began in 2017, focused on improving the links among different regions in the country and involving citizens in the government’s decision-making process through active participation..

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