Danone: Realigning Sustainability for Profitability?

Case Code: BSTR677 Case Length: 12 Pages Period: 1910-2023 Pub Date: 2024 Teaching Note: Available |
Price: Rs.400 Organization : Danone SA Industry : Food & Beverage Countries : France Themes: Socially-responsible Business Practices, Corporate Responsibility, Corporate Restructuring,Environmental Sustainability |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
Antoine de Saint-Affrique (Saint-Affrique), Danone S.A. - Director & CEO, stated in a CEO Dialogue Series discussion with Jean-François Manzoni, President, IMD Business School, Switzerland, on March 21, 2023, “[When] you have a company that has been through a very public governance crisis, a company that is, by the way, in the midst of probably the biggest restructuring in its history” The board of directors of Danone, a French multinational food company, had fired former Chairman and CEO Emmanuel Faber (Faber) in March 2021. Faber had joined Danone in 2014 and was a proponent of environmental issues and a more sustainable way of conducting business. His departure came in response to calls from activist shareholders to replace him after sales growth and share price performance slowed in comparison to other competitors like Nestlé...
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