The Morgan Stanley - Dean Witter Merger

Case Code: BSTR209 Case Length: 19 Pages Period: 1997-2005 Pub Date: 2006 Teaching Note: Not Available |
Price: Rs.400 Organization: Morgan Stanley & Company, Dean Witter Industry: Banking & Financial Services Countries: India Themes: Mergers, Acquisitions, Strategic Alliances |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
Background Note
Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley was founded in 1935 as an investment bank by Henry Morgan and Harold Stanley, former employees of JP Morgan, after the Glass Steagall Act, which prevented financial institutions in the US from carrying out both commercial and investment banking activities, came into force.
To comply with the Act, JP Morgan & Company had to split its securities and commercial banking businesses and this led to the establishment of Morgan Stanley as a separate entity...
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