Corporate Governance at Infosys

Case Code: CGOV001 Case Length: 12 Pages Period: 1996 - 2001 Pub Date: 2001 Teaching Note: Available |
Price: Rs.300 Organization: Infosys Technologies Ltd. Industry: Information Technology Countries: India Themes: Coporate Governance |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Excerpts
Code of Corporate Governance
In the late 1990s, the Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) published a code of corporate governance (Refer Exhibit II for the highlights of the report). In 1999, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) appointed a committee under the Chairmanship of Kumar Mangalam Birla5 to recommend a code of corporate governance...
Corporate Governance-The Infosys Way
Infosys had accepted the recommendation of both the CII and the Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee. This section provides an overview of corporate governance practices followed by Infosys. Infosys had an executive chairman and chief executive officer (CEO) and a managing director, president and chief operating officer (COO). The CEO was responsible for corporate strategy, brand equity, planning, external contacts, acquisitions, and board matters. The COO was responsible for all day-to-day operational issues and achievement of the annual targets in client satisfaction, sales, profits, quality, productivity, employee empowerment and employee retention. The CEO, COO, executive directors and the senior management made periodic presentations to the board on their targets, responsibilities and performance...
Infosys - A Benchmark for Corporate Governance
Some analysts felt that Infosys'corporate governance practices offered many lessons to corporate India. Infosys had shown that increasing shareholder wealth and safeguarding the interests of other stakeholders was not incompatible. Infosys had given its non-executive directors the mandate to pass judgement on the efficacy of its business plans. Every non-executive director not only played an active role in decision making, but also led or served on at least one of the three (Nomination, Compensation and Audit) committees...
Exhibit I: Broad Structures and Processes For Good Governance
Exhibit II: Highlights of the Confederation of Indian Industry Report on Corporate Governance
Exhibit III: Highlights of the Kumar Mangalam Birla Committee Report on Corporate Governance
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