Canada in 2004

Canada in 2004
Case Code: ECOA116
Case Length: 17 Pages
Period: 2004
Pub Date: 2004
Teaching Note: Not Available
Price: Rs.300
Organization : -
Industry : -
Countries : Canada
Themes: -
Canada in 2004
Abstract Case Intro 1 Excerpts


Background Note

Canada became independent in 1867. In the 1910s, Canada was a dominion within the British Commonwealth. A governor-general was the symbolic head of state. Railroads allowed Canada to capitalize on a wheat boom in the Prairie Provinces with exports to the US and Commonwealth. A huge resource base provided a natural impetus to industrialization. Pre-World War I (WWI) Ontario had more than 30 automobile plants. The country attracted many immigrants...

The Economy

Natural resources had played a significant role in the early development of the Canadian economy. But over the years, Canada had developed into an advanced economy. Canada's manufacturing sector improved its competitiveness during the 1990s. The services sector accounted for over two-thirds of the country's output and provided employment to nearly 75% of the working population...


Canada had one of the most favorable business environments in the world. The country had an excellent infrastructure, supported by an open regime for foreign trade and capital. Despite pressure on public finances, the Canadian government looked well set to implement the remaining elements of a tax-cutting package. Political stability had increased following the defeat of separatists in Quebec's provincial election in April 2003...

Foreign Trade

Canada's principal exports were motor vehicles and parts, metals and minerals, energy materials, pulp and paper, chemicals and fertilizers, agricultural products and lumber and sawmill products. The main destinations were the US (87.4 per cent of 2002 total), Japan (2.1 per cent), the UK (1.1 per cent) and China (1.0 per cent). Canada's main imports were machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and parts, industrial materials, consumer goods, foodstuffs, energy and construction materials...

Future Outlook

As his prime ministership got under way, Martin realized that his efforts to rebuild relations with the US would be complicated by a widening gap between domestic policies in Ottawa and Washington. Business relations with the US had become strained of late. The US had refused to exempt Canadians from new legislation that required records to be kept of everyone entering or leaving the US...


Exhibit I: Canada: All-items CPI
Exhibit II: Canada: Target Overnight Rate
Exhibit III: Business Environment Rankings
Exhibit IV: Economic Structure
Exhibit V: Economic Data
Exhibit VI: Comparative Economic Indicators, 2003
Exhibit VII: Economic Data
Exhibit VIII: Demographic Profile

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