Ireland in 2004

Ireland in 2004
Case Code: ECOA117
Case Length: 18 Pages
Period: 2004
Pub Date: 2004
Teaching Note: Not Available
Price: Rs.300
Organization : -
Industry : -
Countries : Ireland
Themes: -
Ireland in 2004
Abstract Case Intro 1 Excerpts


In the early 2000s, Ireland was considered one of the most globally competitive economies in the world. Despite its small size (population of just 3.7 million), Ireland had emerged as an attractive investment destination. A combination of factors had turned the Irish economy into a "Celtic Tiger". These included tough cuts in government spending since the late 1980s, "National Wage Partnership Programs" which fostered cooperative industrial relations, reduction in taxes, targeted government programs to attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and financial support from the European Union (EU). One of the most open economies in Europe, Ireland had also developed a solid reputation for its quality of life...

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