PIX: Can it Help Create a Digital Payments Ecosystem in Brazil?

Case Code: ECON101 Case Length: 12 Pages Period: 2016-2022 Pub Date: 2022 Teaching Note: Available |
Price: Rs.300 Organization : Central Bank of Brazil Industry : Financial Services Countries : India Themes: Government & Economy, FinTech,Government Policies,Financial Institutions |

Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts
PIX, Brazil’s new instant payments system was launched in October 2020 with features similar to that seen in India’s Unified Payments Interface (UPI) . Way back in 2016, India’s UPI was among the first to allow interoperability among payment systems by letting customers select between phone numbers, account numbers, and domain-based aliases. This new innovation gave customers flexibility in how they identified themselves for the purposes of receiving payments...
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