Kara Hurst: Can She Steer Amazon Toward its Sustainability Goals?

Kara Hurst: Can She Steer Amazon Toward its Sustainability Goals?
Case Code: HROB262
Case Length: 8 Pages
Period: -
Pub Date: 2024
Teaching Note: Available
Price: Rs.400
Organization: Amazon.com, Inc.
Industry: e-commerce
Countries: United States
Themes: Gender and Leadership, Environmental Sustainability, Leadership Style,Women in Leadership
Kara Hurst: Can She Steer Amazon Toward its Sustainability Goals?
Abstract Case Intro 1 Case Intro 2 Excerpts


In February 2024, Amazon.com, Inc. (Amazon), an American multinational company with a worldwide presence in areas such as digital streaming, e-commerce, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, announced that it was leveraging AI and ML to provide innovative solutions that would help it reach its sustainable business goals. Amazon had embarked on a lofty goal to achieve a net zero carbon emissions status across its worldwide businesses by 2040 and to utilize 100 percent renewable energy in its entire operations by 2025 . “Sustainability is an important issue for our customers around the world, and we are continually investing, inventing, and improving to make every customer interaction more sustainable than the last,” said Kara Hurst (Hurst) (She), Director of Worldwide Sustainability& Social Responsibility, Amazon..

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